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Embodiment master classes

** This series of embodiment workshops were live-streamed over a few months, and you can gain access to these masterclasses by booking the RECORDINGS following the link below.


We will meditate, move, wring and writhe, sweat, churn, pray, breathe, release and explore our inner listening, range and expression as we journey through the layers that make up the whole. The exploration will take you through subtle body practices, meditation, embodiment, free movement and asana to practise intimacy with our most sacred felt sense physical embodiment.

Every class works with a different embodied attunement and theme, and so the medicine and flavour of each class will feel quite different. They are between 90min - 2hrs long.

You can book individual workshops for £18 or the whole series for £88


  1. Body Temple

  2. Web of Livingness ~ fascia

  3. Madhya ~ central channel

  4. Art of Attunement ~ skin

  5. Cellular Awakening

  6. Inner Beloved ~ heart

  7. Ancient Intelligence ~ bones


Testimonial: “I wanted to share how deeply restorative, and profound it's been to receive your embodiment work these last few months. You have a way of reaching right into the core of my humanity and stirring up just what needs to be expressed. It means so much to me that I can access my body to such a deep level.  I'm also very appreciative of your humble and authentic teaching style and your graceful presence. It's such a delight to receive your gifts.” - Carly

the holding field

a group healing and meditation circle

11 sessions 11 weeks

* next round of this journey dates TBC *

Through deep listening, meditation, Śaiva Tantra subtle body practices and a group energy field of vortex healing, we will create a holding field for both our personal and our collective healing and awakening. To remember that we are held by consciousness, by the divine, to remember our expansiveness that can embrace everything, to remember the quiet resilience of the human heart, to centre ourselves deeper in what is eternal within us, to call home all the exiled ones within and without, and to remember that in this web of livingness we are all connected through infinity and beyond.

My intention for this journey of 11 sessions in 11 weeks is that we do healing work to clear and expand our vessel to hold more of life in its fullness, and from our bigness practise a sweeter and more tender intimacy with ourselves and with reality.

The sessions will take place live once a week via zoom, or you can also tune in via recording.

Investment for the whole 11 week journey: £222

(Or first 11 to sign up £111)

Drop-in: £22

Schedule: 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST / 7:30pm GMT (*changes to this schedule may happen closer to the dates)